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Habitat Aid Ltd

Juniper (Juniperus communis)

Juniper (Juniperus communis)

Juniper, Juniperus communis, is a small, slow growing, evergreen, living for several hundred years. It's a pioneer species, disliking the shade. It was one of the first species to colonise Britain after the last Ice Age but is now in serious decline. Juniper's habit can vary markedly; in exposed conditions it is a low scraggy bush, but can grow to a neat column. Its dense spiky foliage provides a winter roost for birds and cover for small mammals, which also feed on Juniper berries. Generally it is a plant associated with light, well-drained soils. The plants we sell are grown in the UK from seed harvested here. Please scroll down for more information.
Regular price £12.95
Regular price Sale price £12.95
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Prices include VAT (when applicable) and delivery to mainland UK.


Juniper (Juniperus communis)

Juniper berries were most famously known for flavouring gin, but these seem mainly to be a better sort of berry sourced from Italy. Its oil was also used, as an abortifacient, and crushed up plant given to horses as a pick-me-up. It burns with a pleasant cedar fragrance. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall recommends some rather good Juniper recipes in this Guardian article, together with a rather good supplier!

Think twice about junipers if you or your neighbours grow pears. Juniper-Pear Rust is becoming a common fungus that switches between pears and junipers in alternate years. When it attacks pear leaves, they drop early and the yield of pears is reduced. In some pear-growing areas of the USA the planting of junipers is illegal.

Plants For Sale

We are currently offering juniper plants in 1 litre pots. 

Like all the native plants we sell, our junipers are British grown from UK origin seed.We're regularly and understandably asked for male and female plants, but the truth is they're impossible to sex at this age.

Suppliers: RV Roger

Have a look at our videos on what to do when your plants arrive and how to plant a bare root tree. Please ask about larger trees; we can often supply them but will need to quote on an individual basis as carriage varies so much.


Growing Conditions: Exposed
Plant Size: 10m-15m
Growth Rate: Slow
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