Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
Prices include VAT (when applicable) and delivery to mainland UK.
Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia)
The Rowan is in decline in today's landscape, although no-one's quite sure why as they tolerate such a wide range of conditions. It may be that they tend to be solitary trees.
They often used to be planted close to houses to protect them against witches and now as small, pollution tolerant and striking trees they are often planted along streets, although they will do equally well half way up a mountain. Rowan's Celtic name translates as the "wizard's tree", and it was widely used to make divining rods.
Like all the native trees we sell, our Rowans are grown in the UK from UK origin seed. We're currently selling Yorkshire grown 2 year old 60-90cm plants, in multiples of 5.
Suppliers: RV Roger, British Hardwood Trees.
Please note that standard sizes relate to tree girths in cm. See our planting and size guide for details and tips on planting. Our Rowan trees are bare root, and are consequently available for delivery from November until March. During the lifting season there may be up to two week's delay between placing the order and dispatching, due to weather conditions or pressure of orders, which are dealt with in date sequence. Orders for Mountain Ash trees placed between March and September are confirmed in October ready for dispatch from November.
Have a look at our videos on what to do when your plants arrive and how to plant a bare root tree. Please ask about larger trees; we can often supply them but will need to quote on an individual basis as carriage varies so much.