Insects Resources
- British Bugs
- Butterfly Conservation
- UK Butterflies
- UK Lepidoptera Photographs
- British Beekeepers' Association
- Bees For Development Trust
- Bee Improvement and Bee Breeders' Association
- The Bumblebee Conservation Trust
- Laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects, University of Sussex
- Buglife
- Amateur Entomologists' Society
- Bees, Wasps and Ants Recording Society
- Hymettus: information on bees, wasps and ants
- Buzz About Bees
- Benton, Ted - Bumblebees, Collins, 2006
- Buczacki, Stefan - Fauna Britannica, Hamlyn, 2002
- Corbet, Philip & Brooks, Stephen - Dragonflies, Collins, 2008
- Edwards, Mike & Jenner, Martin - Field Guide to the Bumblebees of Great Britain and Ireland, Ocelli, 2005
- Manley, Chris - British Moths and Butterflies - A Photographic Guide, A & C Black, 2008
- RSPB - Wildlife of Britain, Dorland Kindersley, 2008
- Tolman, Tom & Lewington, Richard - Butterflies of Britain and Europe, Collins, 2008
- Waring, Paul & Townsend, Martin - Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland, British Wildlife Publishing, 2003