Collection: Native Hedges

The Best Hedge Plants

Planting a native hedge is one of the very best things you can do. Choose from our mixes, or design your own hedge! Our best selling mix is the Conservation mix, which will give you a traditional wildlife friendly stock proof hedge based on Hawthorn. If you don't want Blackthorn, which does sucker, then go for this mix.  These species will grow in most conditions, including shady and north facing sites. All the mixes will be good to lay if required and give year round interest; blossom from March to midsummer, followed by lots of hedgerow berries and nuts.

Please note that our plants are supplied as "bare root"; our native hedge plants are consequently only delivered from November - end March. They are usually supplied in 40-60cm or 60-90cm sizes. Depending on conditions, the 60-90cm plants will grow to around 2m height in 3 years. All these plants occur naturally in the UK and are all British grown from British stock - in other words, they have UK provenance and origin. They're pretty tough and pretty bombproof even for the novice, if you follow instructions.

All these hedge plants are lifted to order. They're not sitting around in a warehouse somewhere, so it might take a little while to get them to you depending in ground conditions. They need to be dormant before they're lifted, so if the beginning of November is warm that will put delivery back too.

Hedgerows are a rare thing; a manmade feature in our landscape which is really good for wildlife too. Properly managed, they're a fantastic habitat for an enormous number of species, mimicking dense mixed woodland. They provide protection, corridors for movement, and a natural larder. They're also helpful in preventing flooding and acting as windbreaks. In urban settings they'll reduce pollution too. All this in addition to blocking livestock (and people!) and acting as fast growing visual screens.

In addition to the resources below you'll also find lots of helpful information in our FAQs.

35 products