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Habitat Aid Ltd

Wet Wildflower Meadow Seed Mix

Wet Wildflower Meadow Seed Mix

Origin: UK, and certified grasses

Soil type: Neutral, low to medium fertility

Seeding rate: 4g per square metre

Approximate wildflowers: grasses ratio: 30:70

Species mix: Please see below

Regular price £101.50 /kg
Regular price Sale price £101.50
Sale Sold out
Taxes included.

Prices include VAT (when applicable) and delivery to mainland UK.

Please visit our sister site British Wildflower Meadow Seeds if you want less seed than advertised here or if your intended purchases come to under our £100 basket minimum.

Wet Wildflower Meadow Seed Mix

This seed mix of native British wildflowers and grasses will produce a diverse and long-season display on wet soils, pond surrounds and river banks. These are the kind of grasses and wildflowers you would find in traditional water meadows, now extremely rare in Britain. The mix has a generous 30% of wildflowers, which is why it's more expensive than some of our competitors.

Like all our native wildflower seed, guaranteed UK provenance. Certified grasses. We also offer a less diverse selection of plug plants for wet areas without the grasses. You can buy smaller packets of this seed mix here on our sister website.

30% native wildflower seed and 70% certified grasses.

30% Wildflowers (by weight)
0.5 Wild Angelica Angelica sylvestris
3.5 Common Knapweed Centaurea nigra
3.5 Meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria
1.5 Hedge Bedstraw Galium mollugo
1.5 Ladies Bedstraw Galium verum
1.0 Water Avens Geum rivale (pictured)
1.5 Oxeye Daisy Leucanthemum vulgare
1.5 Ragged Robin Lychnis flos-cuculi
1.0 Purple Loosestrife Lythrum salicaria
1.5 Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata
1.5 Selfheal Prunella vulgaris
3.5 Meadow Buttercup Ranunculus acris
3.0 Yellow Rattle Rhinanthus minor
0.5 Common Sorrel Rumex acetosa
1.5 Red Campion Silene dioica
1.5 Betony Stachys officinalis

70% Grasses
10.0 Meadow Foxtail Alopecurus Pratensis
20.0 Creeping Red Fescue Festuca rubra
15.0 Crested dogstail Cynosurus cristatus
10.0 Sweet Vernal-Grass Anthoxanthum odoratum
15.0 Common bent Agrostis capillaris

Sowing rate: 4 g per square metre, 40 kg per hectare, 16 kg per acre.

Supplier : All Things Rural

We strongly recommend reading up on wildflower meadows before buying seed - see our resources section and brief guide to preparation and aftercare, which includes links to our "how to" blogs and video. We also run courses on meadow creation and management

Although we test our seed and it has high germination rates, you need to be careful about initial care and establishing an annual regime. Don't be put off though - once you get the hang of it it's pretty straightforward.

Geum rivale photo: Michael Foley


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