Climate Change, Hen Harriers and Bees in the Po...
I had pondering time on my hands today at hospital in Bath, recovering from a minor operation. It went swimmingly, all well thank you - let's just say it was...
Climate Change, Hen Harriers and Bees in the Po...
I had pondering time on my hands today at hospital in Bath, recovering from a minor operation. It went swimmingly, all well thank you - let's just say it was...
A Little Reason
We should all help the under-funded and unheralded science based projects and NGOs who continue to work quietly away at improving our understanding of the natural world around us.
A Little Reason
We should all help the under-funded and unheralded science based projects and NGOs who continue to work quietly away at improving our understanding of the natural world around us.
Plants for Bugs
Last week the RHS published the first paper from its "Plants for Bugs" four-year study in the Journal of Applied Ecology. It's an interesting read, not least because so little...
Plants for Bugs
Last week the RHS published the first paper from its "Plants for Bugs" four-year study in the Journal of Applied Ecology. It's an interesting read, not least because so little...
A Bad Week for Bees and Solar
It has been a bad week at Habitat Aid's HQ. The spending axe has fallen - again - on renewables - which has effectively now halted the building of any...
A Bad Week for Bees and Solar
It has been a bad week at Habitat Aid's HQ. The spending axe has fallen - again - on renewables - which has effectively now halted the building of any...
Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare)
Viper's Bugloss is one of my favourite British wildflowers. It looks like a kind of poor man's Delphinium, but flowers for ever and it's just great for bees. It's not...
Viper's Bugloss (Echium vulgare)
Viper's Bugloss is one of my favourite British wildflowers. It looks like a kind of poor man's Delphinium, but flowers for ever and it's just great for bees. It's not...
Solitary Bees
I empathise with solitary bees. When we think bee I guess we tend to think of honey bees - the one species of truly social bee we have. They chat...
Solitary Bees
I empathise with solitary bees. When we think bee I guess we tend to think of honey bees - the one species of truly social bee we have. They chat...