
The Value of Nature

I'm always depressed listening to conservationists standing up for the species they're working for on an economic basis. Apparently people respond better to the threat to "pollination services" that would...

The Value of Nature

I'm always depressed listening to conservationists standing up for the species they're working for on an economic basis. Apparently people respond better to the threat to "pollination services" that would...

The Invertebrate Conservation Conference

Last week I had a very jolly day in London at the Invertebrate Conservation Conference. The presentations were generally high quality and surprisingly accessible to a non-specialist like me. The...

The Invertebrate Conservation Conference

Last week I had a very jolly day in London at the Invertebrate Conservation Conference. The presentations were generally high quality and surprisingly accessible to a non-specialist like me. The...

Himalayan Balsam

What's that lovely pink flower that's appeared all the way down the river bank? I'd never noticed it before. It's called Himalayan Balsam - yes, the flowers are very pretty....

Himalayan Balsam

What's that lovely pink flower that's appeared all the way down the river bank? I'd never noticed it before. It's called Himalayan Balsam - yes, the flowers are very pretty....

Designer Habitat

I'm not a very visual person. I can't see stuff jump from the paper into the real world at all. For me it's a case of trial and error, then...

Designer Habitat

I'm not a very visual person. I can't see stuff jump from the paper into the real world at all. For me it's a case of trial and error, then...

Native and non-native plants

Native and non-native plants

Today's papers reported on an RHS study which looks at "whether the geographical origin of garden plants makes a difference to the abundance and diversity of garden invertebrates." According to...

Native and non-native plants

Today's papers reported on an RHS study which looks at "whether the geographical origin of garden plants makes a difference to the abundance and diversity of garden invertebrates." According to...

Cherry Plum, Prunus cerasifera

The cherry plum Prunus cerasifera is one of my favourite "native"* British trees. It was originally recommended to me by a local beekeeper as the easiest and most reliable tree...

Cherry Plum, Prunus cerasifera

The cherry plum Prunus cerasifera is one of my favourite "native"* British trees. It was originally recommended to me by a local beekeeper as the easiest and most reliable tree...