Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)
Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)
Prices include VAT (when applicable) and delivery to mainland UK.
Bird Cherry (Prunus padus)
Bird cherry is also known as "Hackberry". It has pretty white flowers and bittersweet edible cherries, or "hags", which birds and small mammals eat. I'm not sure why you might want to, but don't eat the stones, as apparently they're slightly toxic. The hags do make a decent brandy, however. Prunus padus also provides finely textured wood for furniture making, and in the past its acrid smelling bark was used to ward off the plague. Or not.
Plants For Sale
Like all our native trees and hedging, our Bird cherry trees have UK origin and provenance - that's to say they're British grown using seed from trees here. We sell 60-90cm plants in multiples of 5.
Suppliers: RV Roger
Your purchase of Bird cherry plants helps us support a range of charities, which are related to the products we sell.
Please note that standard sizes relate to tree girths in cm. See our planting and size guide for details and tips on planting.
These Bird Cherry trees are all bare root, and are consequently available for delivery from November until March. During the lifting season there may be up to two weeks delay between placing the order and dispatching, due to weather conditions or pressure of orders, which are dealt with in date sequence. Orders placed for Bird Cherries between March and October are confirmed for dispatch from November.
Have a look at our videos on what to do when your plants arrive and how to plant a bare root tree. Please ask about larger trees; we can often supply them but will need to quote on an individual basis as carriage varies so much.