Habitat Aid Ltd
Road Verge Wildflower and Grass Seed Mix
Road Verge Wildflower and Grass Seed Mix
Origin: UK, and certified grasses
Soil type: Neutral, low to medium fertility
Seeding rate: 4g per square metre
Approximate wildflowers: grasses ratio: 20:80
Species mix: Please see below
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Road Verge Wildflower And Grass Seed Mix
Local councils - and their rate payers! - have recently started to understand the potential that road verges have for wildflowers. Charity Plantlife has recognised that they can be really important sanctuaries for wildflowers. In the past verges have been cut aggressively - at vast expense - in order to keep them tidy. Managed differently, however, they can be lower cost, attractive, and havens for wildlife. What's not to like!
This wildflower and grass mix will provide beautiful and biodiverse road verges at relatively low cost - it doesn't need reseeding annually as the species in it are perennials. They're a varied and interesting mix - as are the grasses here - and will provide a long flowering window. The wildflowers and grasses have been selected to deal with the tough and varied conditions found on road verges, as well as being relatively easy to manage. Unlike a standard meadow mix, this one will only need two cuts a year and tolerates shade. We also list it as a "low maintenance" seed mix.
Like all wildflower seed mixes, it is best sown on bare earth. Annual management is similar to a traditional hay meadow, largely comprising cutting in late summer and keeping tidy over the winter. As with meadows, always remove cuttings.
All of the species in this 80:20 grasses:wildflowers mix are native, so it is appropriate for rural as well as urban locations. We've selected relatively short sized species which tolerate a range of conditions and also give a long and attractive flowering window.
20% native British wildflowers and 80% mixed slow-growing grasses
% Wildflowers (by weight)
1.5 Cow Parsley Anthriscus sylvestris
0.125 Nettle Leaved Bellflower
1.0 Foxglove Digitalis purpurea
2.5 Filipendula ulmaria Meadow-sweet (pictured)
1.0 Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw
3.5 Geum urbanum Wood Avens
1.0 Hypericum perforatum Perforate St. John's Wort
3.0 Leucanthemum vulgare Oxeye Daisy
2.25 Plantago lanceolata Ribwort Plantain
0.25 Primula veris Primrose
2.5 Pastanica sativa Wild Parsnip
1.0 Silene Dioica Red Campion
0.25 Stachys sylvatica Hedge Woundwort
0.125 Teucrium scorodonia Wood Sage
80% Grasses
1.0 Meadow Foxtail Alopecurus pratensis
35.0 Crested Dogstail Cynosurus cristatus
1.0 Tufted Hairgrass Deschampsia caespitosa
10.0 Chewings Fescue Festuca rubra commutata
33.00 Slender Red Fescue Festuca rubra ssp. purinosa
Sowing rate: 4g per square metre, 16kg per acre, 40kg per hectare.
Seed mixtures may be ordered in 1 kg increments from 1 kg upwards. Quantities from 2 kg to 10 kg at the 2 kg rate and over 10 kg at the 10 kg rate.
Supplier : Wildflower Turf
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